The steady rise of coal production over the past decade has placed Indonesia as one of the top five coal producers in the world. Thus, coal has developed into a strategic asset in terms of both export trade and domestic consumption with the proliferation of mine mouth power plants.
CARSURIN is a vital player in the coal supply chain. Our entry into the coal industry sector dates back to 1979, which provides us with a deep understanding of our clients’ needs and challenges, from pit to port, domestic and export.
Our sampling, inspection and witnessing survey services cover the full scope of industry requirements, whether originating at barge, vessel, jetty or stockpile. Our world-class laboratory testing facilities are distributed across all of the coal producing regions for responsive service and quick turnaround times. We provide dedicated labs on-site, our oldest of which has been operating for more than 25 years.
Today, we also help our clients with the latest in drone technology. These UAV services cover stockpile inventory to mine planning to safety and provide actionable business insights to better manage your mine concession assets.
Whatever your role in the coal mining supply chain, our more than 50 years of experience can help you improve productivity, assess quality and most importantly, reduce risk.


- Blending Verification
- Collateral Management
- Geology Consulting
- Laboratory Audit
- Laboratory Equipment Verification
- Mechanical Sampling System Re-Design
- Quality Monitoring at Crushing Plant
- Quality Monitoring at Stockpile
- Self Heating Monitoring
- Size Monitoring
- Stockpile Verification
- Training

- Temperature Check on Barge & Vessel

- Draught Survey Initial, Intermediate & Final Survey on Barge
- Draught Survey Initial, Intermediate & Final Survey on Vessel
- Regulatory Survey, Laporan Hasil Verifikasi (LHV)
- Regulatory Survey, Laporan Surveyor (LS)
- Regulatory Survey, Load Port Survey Report (LPSR)
- Sampling at Jetty Stockpile
- Sampling at Mine Site Stockpile
- Sampling at Pit or Mine Site
- Sampling at Plant Stockpile
- Sampling Loading on Barge
- Sampling Loading on Vessel
- Witnessing Draught Survey on Barge
- Witnessing Draught Survey on Vessel
- Witnessing Incoming Product Sampling
- Witnessing Sampling at Jetty Stockpile
- Witnessing Sampling at Mine Site Stockpile
- Witnessing Sampling on Barge
- Witnessing Sampling on Vessel

- AFT, Oxidizing
- AFT, Reducing Atmosphere
- Ash Analysis Composition by AAS
- Bulk Density
- Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen
- Chlorine
- Crucible Swelling Index (Free Swelling Index)
- Fixed Carbon
- Float & Sink Test
- Form of Sulphur
- Gas Reading Testing on Vessel
- Gross Calorific Value (GCV)
- Hardgrove Grindability Index (HGI)
- Loss On Ignition (LoI)
- Mechanical Sampler Bias Testing
- Moisture Holding Capacity
- Phosphorous in Coal
- Photo Permeability
- Preparation
- Proximate Analysis
- Radioactive Analysis
- Relative Density
- Size Analysis
- Total Moisture (TM)
- Total Sulphur (TS)
- Trace Element
- Ultimate Analysis
- Volatile Matter

- 2D, 3D Point Cloud
- Orthomosaic Image
- Digital Surface Model (DSM)
- Digital Terrain Model (DTM)
- 3D Mesh
- Slope Map
- Change Map
- Automatic Stock Pile Identification and Volume
- Stockpile Inventory Report
- Statistics Dashboard
- Haul Road Analysis
- Highwall Analysis
- Safety Analysis
- Reclamation Analysis